Let’s Get Abstract

Let’s Get Abstract

There are people who only like Abstract Art and others who adore figurative Art. I have to confess that I like art in all its dimensions and I do not choose between styles, just between quality and originality. That is why when selecting the work for kreislerart.com I...
Carla is back

Carla is back

While looking at the work of Carla Querejeta Roca it is obvious that she is an artist influenced by the different cultures in which she has grown up, filling her works with color and character and creating a very recognizable language that I like a lot and hope you...
[H]ARTE Foundation

[H]ARTE Foundation

We are delighted to share with all of you the birth of the [H] ARTE Foundation, a very beautiful project that aims to improve people’s lives by organizing Art exhibitions and workshops in Spanish hospitals. Everything started in a very natural way. One morning...
Color and flowers at kreislerart.com

Color and flowers at kreislerart.com

Undoubtedly, when Spring arrives, many of us feel that color returns to our lives; there are more hours of light, the fields are filled with colorful flowers and we dress with more color. As you know by now, at kreislerart.com we really love color and flowers, so we...
Luis Medina Manso is here !!

Luis Medina Manso is here !!

Luis Medina Manso is a typical kreislerart.com artist since his works are full of color that we love so much; so knowing his work and being able to share it is a real pleasure. Luis is an engineer by training, which perhaps helps us better understand his use of color...