With work and enthusiasm, dreams come true and the dream of having my own
space was something I had for many years. Since I started my online gallery
kreislerart.com I have lived in three countries, so it has not been possible for me to
have a physical headquarters to carry out my work in the art world before now. But
we have been back for two years in Madrid and I have finally been able to make my
I believe I have found the perfect space on Calle Hermanos Alvarez Quintero No6 in
the Salesas neighborhood in Madrid, surrounded by other galleries and places
So now that our traveling family will not pack suitcases to go to another country,
and the family gallery my father ran has just closed, it felt like there was a great gap
in the artistic panorama of Madrid. The city is better than ever and has become a
cultural and artistic center of Europe with a rhythm and vital energy that must be
harnessed. And after eight years immersed in the art world, my time had come to
face the challenge of having my own gallery, where I could develop a project that
I had thought extensively about this step and my intention is to make a quality and
varied artistic program, with different styles with works for different budgets. A
program in which there is space for emerging artists and other more established
ones who develop different techniques such as photography, painting, sculpture,
digital art and painting. I also have a small patio that will serve as an alternative
Does this mean that kreislerart.com disappears? Not at all, the digital gallery
kreislerart.com will continue to be active as the online sales platform of the
TAMARA KREISLER Gallery, so all the works that are exhibited in the gallery can
also be purchased remotely in the digital gallery in such a way that the work of one
will complete the other. A multichannel approach ,-)
TAMARA KREISLER Gallery is a !very Tamara” project, international and Madrilene
at the same time, the result of deep experience and a desire to continue learning,
and to be collaborative, in which there will be personal attention for each art buyer,
So if you live in Madrid or are going to visit this great city, you know where to find
me; I will be happy to receive you in my new headquarters to bring you closer to the
world of art and spread my enthusiasm for it, convinced that with art in life, it is
much better.
- Opening Show - May 14, 2023
- TAMARA KREISLER Gallery - May 14, 2023
- Works full of love - February 12, 2023